Supercharge your community by recognizing and rewarding your most engaged community members.
Recognize and engage your most valuable community members to prevent churn.
Drops done right
Planning a new drop? Use Circus to automatically prioritize your community’s most active and engaged members in your allowlist. Prevent hit and run community members from taking up valuable slots.
Perks for VIP
Perks for community members are an important part of an engaged community. Use Circus to create entirely new perk structures based on the members who contribute the most valuable content, or attract the most quality new members.
Platforms metrics can tell you who is sending the most messages. Only Circus helps you understand who is sending the most valuable messages that keep your community engaged overall.
Circus updates in real-time and enables you to instantly react to your community’s activity. Want to see how your community was performing at any point in time in the past? Circus has you covered.
Your community doesn’t just exist on-chain or on a single platform like Discord. Circus helps you tie member data together across all the platforms your community uses.
Use your Community Leaderboard to see your community’s most active contributors and create rewards and incentives for your members when they reach certain levels. Your leaderboard updates in real time reflecting your community’s activity up to the minute.